I am just NOT a techie!
Keith, I tried to comment on your throwing away tons of e-equipment, but ran into a problem with my g-mail (which I do not use at ALL) password. Then (you'll love this one) I got a call from Directv that I can watch a PPV movie for free. All I had to do was visit their Website. Which I never use.
OK, I go to their Website but they refuse to recognize me because my e-mail has changed. Uh. Yeah. When DirecTV was bought out by Hughes.net, they stopped the original e-mail accounts and assigned me a Hughes e-mail. Years ago.
THEY changed my e-mail, not me. And I had just had it printed on the back cover of my book!
This e-world is more than I can deal with. And I was commenting, Keith, on the fact that I'd watched GMA this morning and an artist fellow was showing his i-phone(?) that, for a $5 fee, he had gotten a program to add color. He then took a B&W picture of times square, added color, and sent it to The New Yorker who had used it for one of their COVERS. We are being drawn into the e-future whether we wish to be or not.
As I say this, I am trying to remember how to put a picture here on my blog. AHA! Got it...